Monday, January 7, 2013

Delusions and One-Liners for the New Year

The year 2012 is now history, and the doors into 2013 have opened. We shall not be saying, "Merry Christmas" for another year. However, we shall be saying, "Have a blessed New Year!" What do we mean by that? We would do well to remember that Jesus never equates "being blessed" with possessing and enjoying material things. He equates it only with knowing Him as the forgiving Savior and with following Him as Servant-Lord.

One of the appendices in Crossways International's In Heaven's Name, Why on Earth? is titled "Ten Deadly Delusions." If you do not have a copy of this publication, you can purchase one from us and work through those delusions with others; the answers to each delusion are included in that publication. Doing so will empower you to get your people beyond "popular opinion" to "divine revelation."

My wife, Chloris, and I send out a Christmas letter each year to about 230 partners and friends around the world. In our most recent letter, we included some intriguing one-liners that were sent to me by Vic Pabellon, my colleague in the Philippines:

  • Give God what's right--not left.
  • A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.
  • When praying, don't give God instructions; just report for duty.
  • Don't wait for six strong men to bring you to church. Come now!
  • Many people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.
  • It is easier to preach ten sermons than to live one.
  • Peace starts with a smile.
  • Many who sing,"Standing on the Promises" are content just to sit in the premises.
  • If God is your co-pilot, swap seats.
  • The best mathematical equation that I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4-given.

Give Jesus and me a lot of joy by sharing these insights and sayings with fellow-believers, family, and friends.

Harry Wendt

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