Thursday, December 20, 2012

Food for Thought from Rome and Slovakia

From Pope John Paul II in Rome:

“Perhaps the hardest-fought battle between Church and regime involved family life, for the Communists understood that men and women secure in the love of their families were a danger. Housing, work schedules, and school hours were all organized by the state to separate parents from their children as frequently as possible. Apartments were constructed to accommodate only small families, so that children would be regarded as a problem. Work was organized in four shifts, and families were rarely together. The workday began at 6 or 7 AM, so children had to be consigned to state-run child-care centers before school. The schools themselves were consolidated, and children were moved out of their local communities for schooling.” (Witness to Hope, p. 97)

From a pastor in Slovakia:

“How did the Communists ruling Eastern Block countries set about destroying the Church? They told the Christian community: ‘We will never try to stop you from going to church. Go to church every Sunday. Listen to those sermons. But remember this: There are to be no Bible study groups, no prayer groups, no Sunday schools, no youth groups. Just go to church and listen to those sermons. And all sporting events for children and youth are to be held on Sunday mornings!’ That strategy succeeded in all but destroying the church.” 

Several years ago, researchers probed the question, “How do people come into a relationship with Jesus and His Church?”  Their research revealed the following: 

                                                            Evangelistic crusade: 0.5% 
                                                            Special needs: 1 to 2% 
                                                            Pastoral visitation: 1 to 2%
                                                            Church program: 2 to 3%
                                                            Walk-in: 2 to 3%
                                                            Sunday school: 4 to 5% 
                                                            Pastor: 4 to 5%
                                                            Parents, relative, or friend: 75 to 90%

Jesus does not call us merely to worship in a church on Sunday mornings. He calls us to soak ourselves day in and day out in His Word, and, by faith, to embrace and live according to what He teaches. He calls us to live in caring, sharing, serving community every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year. Without a doubt, the family circle is the most important spiritual school and influence of all. Little wonder that the Communists did all that they could to destroy the family circle. We would do well to ask ourselves, “What can we learn from all this?”

Crossways International is committed to helping parents and people live in community by equipping them to show their children and youth the Jesus that God wants them to believe in and follow.

Harry Wendt

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