Tuesday, October 29, 2013

War and Peace

When World War I came to an end, a peace conference was held in Paris. It was attended by the heads of the victorious states: President Woodrow Wilson of the United States, Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and Premier Georges Clemenceau of France.
Clemenceau confronted the other leaders by saying, “Gentlemen, I heard you talking about your wish to have a permanent peace in the world. You want a peace that will end all wars.” He looked at the heads of state and asked them whether they really meant it, whether they wanted a genuine and permanent peace. All nodded their heads to indicate that was certainly what they wanted.
Clemenceau began to list the cost of peace. He said, “If we want peace, we must give up our empires. You, Mr. Lloyd George, you have to give up India. We French will have to come out of North Africa. You Americans, Mr. President, will have to relinquish your dollar rights to the Philippines, Mexico and Cuba. We, the dominant powers, will have to give up our empires, tear down our tariff walls, free our colonies, and open up the world.”
The heads of state looked at each other and quickly informed him that this was not exactly what they had in mind. Then Clemenceau sat up straight, banged his fist on the table, and said, “Then you don’t mean peace! You mean war!”
History has proven Clemenceau right. The only kingdom that will bring peace is Jesus’ back-to-front, upside-down Kingdom where all learn to use the planet on which they walk and the body in which they live (but did not make or own) God’s way, and commit themselves to glorifying Jesus as forgiving Savior and servant Lord by devoting life to serving others in all that they think, say, and do.

Ponder Matthew 25:31-46.

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