Saturday, August 31, 2013

What Do We Need to Do to Change Things?

In the year 2000, I was asked to write the cover article for the church growth publication Net Results. The article was titled, “How to Motivate and Guide Local Congregations into Global Ministry.” I included in the article some significant statistics that I had unearthed. Although they have changed these past 13 years, they are essential pondering for God’s people in relation to what they focus on in life.

If the World’s Population Were 100 People*:
  • 50 would be female and 50 male
  • 60 would be Asians
  • 14 would be North and South Americans
  • 11 would be European
  • 15 would be Africans
  • 25 would be under 15 years old
  • 33 would be Christian
  • 22 would be Muslim
  • 14 would be Hindu
  • 7 would be Buddhist
  • 12 would believe in another religion
  • 12 would not be religious
  • 70 would be non-white
  • 17 would be unable to read and write
  • 15 would suffer from malnutrition
  • 13 would not have access to safe drinking water
  • 30 would be on the Internet
  • 7 would have a college education
  •  6 would own 59% the world’s wealth, and all 6 would be U.S. citizens 

Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D. C., reported the following**:
  • $17 billion: The amount spent in the U.S. and Europe on pet food each year
  • $13 billion: The increased annual amount needed to provide basic health care and nutrition for all people in developing countries
  • $9 billion: The additional amount needed annually to provide clean water and safe sewers for the world’s population
  • $8 billion: The amount that Americans spend each year on cosmetics
  • $6 billion: The additional amount needed annually to provide basic education for everyone in the world

In relation to the management of creation and the use of life, God’s people must ask, “What do we and the world at large need to do to change things?”

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