Monday, October 29, 2012

Sharing what you have is more important than enjoying what you have. ~Albet M. Wells Jr

A Second Email to God


You write: “Dear God, You know that, during the past century, we have been blessed in so many ways.  But these days, life is getting tough. In the coming election, how should we vote to get ‘the good old days’ back again?”

In my opinion, God would reply something like this: “I know that many in the land in which you live have thought of themselves as ‘blessed.’ However, they think that being ‘blessed’ has to do with being affluent, owning an expensive car and a big home (or two), plus a boat or a plane. Please remember that I made and own everything—the universe, Planet Earth, and the body in which you live. My Son made it ever so clear that ‘being blessed’ has to do with using life to glorify Me by serving everyone else.
Please remember that My Son Jesus is all around you in disguise. As He taught in Matthew 25:31-46, He is the hungry one, the thirsty one, the lonely one, the one who lacks clothing, the sick person, and the prison inmate.
I urge you to do all you can to influence all people, no matter what their position in life, to understand and reflect My Son’s servant lifestyle. Yes, tell others about the forgiveness that Jesus offers them—but also show them the servant Jesus you want them to believe in and follow.
When you vote, keep in mind that ‘being blessed’ does not mean accumulating more material goods. It means devoting life to meeting the needs of all on Planet Earth.”

 Harry Wendt

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