Saturday, March 23, 2013

Our Hope Is in the Kingdom, not a Nation

I spent most of my first 48 years living and working in Australia and New Zealand—two nations that still belong to the British Commonwealth. During those years, Aussies and Kiwis were taught to sing:

            Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves.
            Britons never, never, never will be slaves.

Down through the centuries, empires and nations have produced statements and songs that reflect the one quoted above. However, with the passing of the years, I have questioned more and more the appropriateness and validity of such statements. After all, Britannia never did rule the waves, and, regrettably, it played a leading role in the slave trade. In the early decades of the twentieth century, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stated, “The British Empire will rule the world for the next one thousand years.”  But his prediction did not come to pass!

Recently, I read a book by Richard Hughes titled Christian America and the Kingdom of God. I have found it to be most fascinating and insightful. In it, Hughes analyzes the Bible’s “Big Story,” the message of the Old Testament prophets, the narrative embedded in the four Gospels, and the theology contained in Paul’s writings. He then offers insights in relation to the concepts of “Christian America” and “The Kingdom of God.” I am now working through this book for the second time. Next to the Bible, it is the most marked up book in my library.

I believe that this book is a must read for those who claim allegiance to Jesus as Savior and Lord. Sad to say, we live in a challenged world, and the only “peace plan” that will work in time and for eternity is that embedded in the teachings and ministry of Jesus, the radical forgiving Servant Messiah. May this book impact your life as it has mine!