Saturday, February 23, 2013

Do People Notice Jesus in Your Ministry?

Years ago, while I was doing graduate work in biblical studies in the US, I came to know a fellow student named Robin Leaver, an Anglican clergyman from England. When returning to Australia in 1971, my family and I spent some time in England. While I was there, I visited Robin who was then serving a parish in Reading near Oxford. He shared with me a statement that I shall never forget:

“When the day comes that I want people to notice me rather than Jesus, I will have invalidated my ministry.”

I have visited England a number of times this past decade to conduct seminars for the Anglican Church Mission Society (CMS). Although the headquarters of CMS are now based in Oxford, my first visit with CMS leaders was at their headquarters in London. I was deeply moved when the Secretary-General of CMS at the time, Timothy Dakin (who is now the bishop of Winchester), arranged for me to meet Dr. N.T. Wright, who was then the Resident Scholar at Westminister Abbey.

On the way to Dr. Wright’s apartment, I felt embarrassed. How was I, an ordinary Aussie from the land of kangaroos, to address such a distinguished biblical scholar? So, after he and his wife welcomed me into their apartment, I sheepishly asked him, “How would you like me to address you?” He reached out, grabbed my right hand, and said with a beaming smile, “Call me Tom!”

I shall never forget that hour with Tom. I came away convinced that I had spent time with someone who wants only that people would notice Jesus! Tom’s book, Who Was Jesus? is one which you would do well to read.